
References & Resources 


The Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project - These folks are years ahead of us!

Orange Pippin - Information, photos, on apple varieties

Apple Search - A website founded by Tom Brown
a pioneer heritage apple see - a website to help identify apple varieties

For lots of articles, etc. Google: heritage apples


Instructional References

Budding Technique from Cass County Extension, NDSU

Grafting Techniques from Cass County Extension, NDSU



Apples of North America, Tom Burford

Apples of Uncommon Character: Heirlooms, Modern Classics, and Litte-Known Wonders, Rowan Jacobsen

Apples, Frank Browning

Heritage Apples: A New Sensation, Susan Lundy

Books on growing organic apples: Michael Phillips

Articles by John Bunker